Friday, November 24, 2006

Hello hallo hullo halo,

In an hour I'm about to begin my journey to Bali. This would be my second trip there. I loved the first time I was there, it was a 4 day trip and now we'll be there for a week. It's going to be the 3 of us but this time phil is bringing his other half and I'll be alone. Doesnt really matter, I'd go there alone if I had to. It's really good that air asia goes there for a cut down price.

Of course in the corner of my mind I'm kind of paro about the bombings at Legian. However like the lightning strikes, terrorism shouldnt stop you from living your life. The first time over there I found out that Balinese are very beautiful, friendly, bright, creative people, they dont deserve the aftermath/effects of the bombings episodes. They were telling me of how businesses went downwards after that as a result of the drop in number of tourist. These Islamic fundementalist are doing more than killing people's lives at the push of a button (or a bomb). They're taking away the livelihood of these poor people who are just trying to make end's meet.

I remember a religious teacher of mine telling me that in judegment day, we'll all be surprised by the number of muslim occupying Hell. I dont owe it to you to explain what it means, you go figure it out yourself but I can see that Islamic terrorism sprouting out around the world demonstrates what my teacher was trying to say. Most occupants of hell, I think, would be muslims. There is so much hatred ingrained in muslims lives nowadays it's no wonder westerners tend to generalise most muslims as stupid terrorist.

Innocent people dont deserve to die that way. I should right a song about this and make sure the message in the lyrics is clear. I'm not anti-Islam i'm just ashamed to be associated to these terrorist bastards, i'm tired of being looked at funny when I travel overseas for my work when they see 'Ahmad' in my name and I also would like to believe that I love peace, which is what 'Islam' literally means.

I'm strayed off abit from Bali I know, but I think i'd have more to say after this trip about Bali. I wanna re-ennact some of the good times in Bali with Phil and also replace them with alot more fun! I also wanna buy some Havaianas for my sweetheart miss R because I just love seeing her smile. I just wish that she could come along tho.

Well that's it for this time you fuckos. Fuck you and try to have a good fuck some where, you fucking fuckers

For your Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (FUCK)


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hello u fucks,

I'm planning to finish my very first album soon. By the end of the year i'll have 15 carefully written songs, all with their own hooks to be narrowed down to a 11 song long album. Then I'll see where it takes me.

I dont like describing my songs. They way the industry works is by pigeon-holing u into an existing music templates. I would like to describe my songs simply as guitar rock. I write using my guitar and most of the noise u here are derived from it.

I use a simple lo-fi method of recording. I use my laptop, Sonar Cakewalk soft ware, a line-6 POD live xt for preamplification, shure microphone for me vox and alot of shit trips to the loo to organise melodies conjured from my dreams. I do dream in songs and colour.

Music, melody is really the easy part for me. What's hard is writing the words to the melodies. When i first started song writing, my lyrics sounded like stuff which i always thought was uncool and lame. Mr E told me to be more honest when it comes to words. So nowadays i just open up and have my rhyming dictionary in hand to facilitate the process. I write about teenaged social knots, yeah i'm no longer a teenager, fuck i'm no longer a young adult, i'm an adult. It's easier for the head (mine) and i think there's alot to write about.

I tried a protest song. it's nothing complicated but the message is universal. Universal to any country which is ruled by cheats.

I also wrote about falling in love with my best friends girlfriend. This is something many bastards could relate to if they cant find their own girlfriends.

I wanna write about love. I'm currently so in love now. I've got so many things to write about but unfortunately i'm left with gothic, dark riffy songs with early depeche mode melodie's to sing over. hope i can get everything together and fly with a dark love song.

i still play at Paul's place or now known as Gigger's Art Cafe. It's fun for me being there because i have the flexibility to do whatever fuck i want.

there that's my latest posting.

Fuck you

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm coming back after wards... anyway on the way to the site office i saw a delicious array of roadkill. 3 monkeys and 2 cats. Kerteh animals donno how to cross the roads...

anyway i swear i saw that one of the monkeys was a baby mawas/bigfoot. it's got the features man. someone ought to stop and just take a look and maybe gain a bit of a fortune selling it off. i wont do it, i dont like touching carcasses even if it means i'd be a millionaire selling it.

i feel bad for the cats yang kena langgar. i dont quite understand how cats so small can get their head crush. can someone tell me if maybe it's the car tyres that crushed their cute heads into 2? and why does it take so long for majlis perbandaran kerteh to clear the shit up? i've seen some roadkills dry up into skeletons man..... it's probably an east coast laidback thing. their excuse prolly is to let nature take it's course and eat away the flesh on the poor cat's carcass

long time ago someone told me that if i squeeze limau nipis on the place where the roadkill died right after the impact, malam2 u can here the cat's soul meowing. that's crazy shit. i would love to try that sometime and record it for u tube..

friends, it is my intention to sound very morbid in this posting.. dont worry i'm not crazy yet.
