Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hey music lovers...

I'll be singing again at Paul's Place a.k.a Giggers Cafe on Friday, 29th September at 8pm. so come on lah. come la listen to my songs. Nad said my songs fehlong . fohleng or fehlong ah? Either way, Mister Eddie and Miss Tasha Leek will be spreading out the flyers which I will post here as soon as I get them so that U know how to get there. There's a map attached so please laa come, come laah cibai.

I'm not that good at pursuading people. So peoples that's mean u must come. The thing is that is, I'll be singing

1) Inferior (new)
2) Schizophrenia (new)
3) Panic Come again (new)
4) One way (new)
5) Down the Drain
6) Work on Sundays (I fucked it up last week because I had voice fatigue, so i'll
have another go)
7) Rival (again because peoples love the song)

So the thing is that is, pls come ok? And pls dont bring your own drinks and food because they serve food there. It's quite cheap. I think the beer is like Rm1.40 per bottle (hihhihi nampak sangat kencing). That's mean u could also bukak puasa totally pissed listening to my goodest songs.

Why am i speaking like a cross between Wong Ah Beng and a National Oil Company manager? It's because i always thought i am a comedian.

What I'll do is i'll sing crossed eyed.. So watch my eyes while i sing the most heartfelt songs u'll ever listen to. u wont know whether to laugh or cry.

I'll perform as my alter ego, Jimbang a/l Kutek

Next week i'll be Gringgo

The coming week I'll be called Arrnuck Har Rum

Then U can call me Bee Soul



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